Film: Áhkuin
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre, Espoo
- 6.2.2025–9.2.2025
The Sámi National Day is celebrated on February 6th, when WeeGee flies the flag to celebrate the day. In addition, WeeGee will show the documentary short film Áhkui three times every day from 6 to 9 February.
ÁHKUIN is a visual and musical call-and-response between a grandmother and her descendants. Archival interviews and the joik of Maarit-áhkku (dir. Sunná Máret Nousuniemi’s grandmother) unspool as a connective thread across time, inviting the viewer through a portal into this corner of Sápmi. Here, the rhythms of time are set by the daily tasks that assured the survival of those who came before; seemingly mundane chores — carrying water from the river, setting up the sauna, boiling reindeer bone marrow — offer up gifts of memory, music, and Indigenous knowledge. As in Indigenous communities the world over, colonization has profoundly shaped recent Sámi history through stories of loss. Drawing aesthetic inspiration from sources as diverse as duodji (Sámi handicrafts and land-based knowledge systems), the work of David Lynch, Pauliina Peodoroff’s Matriarkaatti (Matriarchy), and the environmentally focused, community-based art of Niillas Holmberg, Jenni Laiti and Outi Pieski, ÁHKUIN presents a melancholy yet playful Sámi story with lessons for a new era defined by giving and receiving.
Viewing times on Thursday 6.2.
At 13
At 15
At 17
The film is viewed in the Ruusuvuori room in the basement floor. Doors are opened about 5 minutes before the film starts. Film's duration is ca. 20 minutes.
Museum exhibitions
Museum events
- Public guided tour to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- Film: Áhkuin
- Public guided tour to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- April Jazz Club + WeeGee: Mikko Innanen-Ingebrigt Håker Flaten
- Free admission: Guided tour for whole family to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- April Jazz Club + WeeGee: Silva Kallionpää Quartet
- Free admission: Guided tour for whole family to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- Public guided tour to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- April Jazz Club + WeeGee: Jonathan Bäckström Quartet
- Free admission: Guided tour for whole family to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
- Public guided tour to Mauri Kunnas exhibition (in Finnish)
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre
Ahertajantie 5, (Tapiola), 02100 Espoo
09 816 31818
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
The WeeGee Exhibition Centre, Ahertajantie 5, (Tapiola), 02100 Espoo
Admission fees
20/10/0€. Alle 18-v maksutta.
Perjantaisin vapaa pääsy klo 15–19.
Alennettu hinta koskee kaikkia alle 29-vuotiaita, opiskelijoita, eläkeläisiä, siviilipalvelus- ja varusmiehiä/-naisia, opettajia, työttömiä ja taiteilijoita. Ryhmälipun hinta on 16€ (min. 10henk.).
Payment methods
SmartumPay, Edenred-mobiilimaksu, Edenred-kortti, ePassi
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible toilet
- Disabled parking
- Restricted accessibility: Esteetön sisäänpääsy lukuunottamatta Futuro-taloa, joka on avoinna kesäkaudella.
- Seating inside the exhibition
- Tactile objects
- Wheelchair on loan