The Sibelius Museum, Turku
- 29.3.2025 (18.00–23.00)
Sounds like
ambient techno,
ambient dub,
Sounds like
ambient techno,
ambient dub,
Rasmus Hedlund (Ljudverket)
Josu Mämmi (Flame Jazz Records)
Cyclic/Random (Notta Records)
DJ Arre (Tyemyy / X-Rust)
VJ Vixen (www.vixenvj.tv)
VJ Turu Sanoma (X-Rust)
In collaboration with X-Rust. The event includes alcohol serving and is exclusively for adults over 18 years of age.
Museum exhibitions
Museum events
- Music in the Museum
13.3.2025 - Fredagar på Sibbe: Judith Hamann
14.3.2025 - Sibbe Live!: 4th Line
19.3.2025 - Music in the Museum
27.3.2025 - Ljudkontakt
29.3.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Maailman ympäri 60 minuutissa
2.4.2025 - Fredagar på Sibbe: Trio Peltomaa Fraanje Perkola
4.4.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Trio Evening
9.4.2025 - Music in the Museum
10.4.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Piano Evening
23.4.2025 - Music in the Museum
24.4.2025 - Diálogos Barrocos
24.4.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Jazz Evening – Anabasis
7.5.2025 - Music in the Museum
8.5.2025 - Music in the Museum
9.5.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Clavier Evening
14.5.2025 - Fredagar på Sibbe: Distant Harmonies
16.5.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Dreamer’s Forgotten Songs – Music by Juhani Pohjanmies
21.5.2025 - Sibbe Live!: Evening of Folk Music – Tallari
Osana kulttuurikierrosta
Museum contact details
The Sibelius Museum
Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
050 337 6906, 050 362 5828
Yhteydet julkisilla
Näytä reitti museolle Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
Katso reitti Matkahuollon reittioppaassa
The Sibelius Museum, Piispankatu 17, 20500 Turku
Admission fees
7/5€, ryhmät 5€/ hlö (väh.10). Konserttien hinnat erikseen.
| 7/5€, grupper 5€/pers (minst 10) Konserternas pris avviker.
| 7/5€, groups 5€/person (min. 10) The price of the concerts may vary.
Payment methods
Käteinen, yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit, Museokortti, Smartum- & Epassi-kulttuurisetelit, ICOM, Pressikortti, Vammaiskortti.
Kontanter, allmännaste bank- och kreditkort, Museikortet. Smartum-& Epassi-kultursedlar, ICOM, Presskort, Funktionshinderkort
Cash, most common credit cards (Visa, Mastercard), Museokortti, Smartum, Epassi, ICOM, Presscard, EU Disability Card
Accessibility [the criteria]
- Accessible toilet
- Disabled parking
- Restricted accessibility: sisääntulokerroksen tilat
- Seating inside the exhibition
- Tactile objects