Löydä elämyksiä!
Hae näyttelyitä, tapahtumia, museoita, puheenaiheita. Inspiroidu! Kaiken tämän voit kokea Museokortilla.
Hae näyttelyitä, tapahtumia, museoita, puheenaiheita. Inspiroidu! Kaiken tämän voit kokea Museokortilla.
Hakulause: "Museokaupat"
Hakulause: "Museokaupat"
Experience Rafael Wardi, Kaija Aarikka, Claude Monet and other beloved classics, as well as the newest currents of contemporary art. The autumn’s new exhibitions also offer something to see for fans of rap music, exercise enthusiasts and nostalgic visitors. We have gathered together...
Edit: The offer is no longer valid. Give a Christmas gift that brings joy every day of the year. The Museum Card opens the door to the past, present and future: new directions in science and art, fascinating history and highlights of sports and music. Our Christmas offer now gets you one extra...